Video Password: eliumintospace

A video made during lockdown, with little equipment (Canon Powershot G5x) exploring the relationship between humans and their destructive livelihoods.

Dear Life, 

I am sorry I took you for granted, I compelled you to behave, I enslaved you, I enchained you.

I forced upon you my law, my power, my threats.

I have, as a human become your greatest colonizer.

Once, you ran away from my tyranny. I searched for you night and day with one obsessive wish, to own you again.

I violated all you had left, before your rebelled once more.

You allied with your greatest enemy: DEATH …

Suddenly I figured how vulnerable I was, 

Is it  too late to beg for mercy?

Yours Sincerely,

Homo Sapiens


Things I will never understand...

