Let’s Build A wall, @lets__build_a_wall

Ongoing Project

Let’s create something tangible out of the abstract. Let’s build the greatest wall of all: the one standing between you and your complete happiness.  In this consumerism world, there is a insatiable longing for more. Our state of happiness is always temporary, we become eternally unsatisfied. Whether it is something as big as “love” or the latest iPhone, there is always something preventing us from pure happiness. Ironically, I want us to collaborate and create “the dividing wall”; what can only lead to our destruction. However, at the end of this project we will destroy it. History teaches us that walls do not work, which is why, ultimately they fall.

It’s time this wall falls too!


Walls are part of our past (Berlin wall, iron curtain) present (West Bank barrier) and future (Mexico wall?). The same walls are also the symbol of an entire religion (Wailing Wall) or have an incredible cultural importance (The Great Wall of China). They have the power to divide entire nations yet you will only feel comfortable inside the four walls of a home. In the desert or at sea, on the North Pole or in open fields, in places with never-ending horizon, one creates “walls”. We build relationships, memories and families within those walls. Yet they are only a construction of bricks and mortar. With 150 bricks I will ask participants to write on a brick the answer to the question: “What stands between you and complete happiness?” The aim is to include as much people from different backgrounds as possible: from homeless to entrepreneurs and celebrities, young and old, different ethnicities, genders and cultures… A150 bricks later I will build a wall with them and invite 150 person to come and destroy it. Destroy what stands between you and complete happiness. The remains will become “sculptures”, a remembrance of the wall, i will use some fragments to make necklace and bracelets, as a constant wearable reminder of the fallen barrier.


Hermès-Paris (Internship)


Dive into Frida's World